Elder Abuse Law Firm Orange County

Orange County law firm that deals with elder abuse

Elder abuse is a growing problem in the US, with 1 in 10 adults over 65 experiencing some form of abuse when entrusted to the care of others.

Recognizing signs of elder abuse is crucial to getting help for your loved one. If you suspect abuse, it's essential to contact an elder abuse lawyer immediately. Our team provides excellent representation for all types of elder abuse cases. Give us a call to protect your loved ones.

Areas of Elder Law that We Practice

At Peck Law Corporation we are specialists in elder law and abuse, including neglect, medical malpractice, and personal injury.

Elder Abuse and Neglect

The elderly population in California is growing, and so is the risk of abuse and neglect. Our elderly population need special protection and care as they become more vulnerable to abuse from family members or caregivers. If an elder has been a victim of abuse or neglect, it's important to seek out the aid of an experienced elder law attorney serving Orange County, such as our team here at Peck Law Corporation. Our experienced team can ensure that your loved one's rights are properly represented in court for legal matters related to elder law.

Apart from seeking out legal help, it is also necessary to take immediate action against perpetrators who have hurt an elder through abuse or negligence. It must be remembered that this type of behavior can have serious consequences both emotionally and physically on the elderly person, which could tarnish their quality of life even further if left unchecked. Consulting with an experienced attorney who deals with elder law issues can go a long way in getting justice served and ensuring dignity is restored to its rightful place. With their experience and assistance, victims will not only be able to fight against their abusers.

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is a serious issue that affects thousands of people around the entire country. In California, those who have been victims of medical malpractice can seek financial restitution in the form of damages. This includes those who may have suffered physical or emotional injury as a result of either the negligent or careless acts of any medical care provider. This could include a physician, nurse, physical therapist, or mental health care professional.

In order to prove that medical malpractice has occurred in California, it must be proven that the healthcare professional had acted negligently and deviated from what are considered to be accepted standards within their practice. It must also be demonstrated that this negligent act directly caused harm to the individual pursuing legal action for damages. If successful, the court may award compensatory damages for pain and suffering as well as economic loss, which may have been incurred due to lost wages and medical bills relating to their injury or condition caused by medical malpractice.

Personal Injury

Peck Law Corporation is dedicated to providing justice for those who have suffered from personal injury. We are passionate about understanding the intricacies of each individual case and believe that each one should be given its own special attention. Our team offers a wide range of experience in understanding different types of injuries, from soft tissue and spinal cord issues to burns and wrongful death due to negligence or malpractice.

Moreover, we take a unique approach to personal injury law as we find creative ways to ensure that our clients get the fair compensation they need and deserve in every situation. We strongly advocate for our client's rights by sending demand letters, negotiating with insurers, filing claims, taking legal action if necessary, and appealing cases if it comes down to it. No matter how challenging the situation may be, Peck Law Corporation will strive to give the best outcome possible while upholding ethical standards at all times.

Consult with a Legal Professional for Assistance with Elder Abuse

If you suspect your elderly loved one is being abused, take legal action right away. Start by talking to them about what's happening if they're willing to open up to you. Collect as much information as possible to determine the type of abuse and who is responsible.

After obtaining the necessary information, it is advisable to seek the guidance of a skilled elder abuse attorney in Orange County who can provide you with a clear understanding of your choices and assist you in taking measures to safeguard your loved one. They can also support you in filing a report with the relevant authorities and pursuing all available criminal or civil charges.

Peck Law Corp are experienced elder abuse attorneys that specialize in advocating for the rights of elderly abuse victims. Our expertise allows us to construct compelling cases and achieve justice for our clients. We serve various counties in Southern California, including Los Angeles, Ventura, and Orange County.

Two elderly people

Schedule Your Consultation at No Cost Today

Schedule a no-obligation initial phone consultation with the trusted elder abuse law firm in Orange County. Our law firm specializes in elder abuse law and representation, with payment for injury cases taken care of on a contingency basis, where fees are deducted from settlement or court awards. 

Please get in touch with us to schedule a free consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If elder abuse cases are left unresolved, the elderly person may suffer long-term and serious consequences. Unresolved elder abuse can lead to physical pain, emotional distress, loss of independence, and financial exploitation. An unresolved case could even result in death due to injuries caused by abuse or neglect.

    The consequences of leaving an elder abuse case unresolved can be devastating for abused seniors and their families.

  • When it comes to elder abuse, working with an experienced elder abuse law firm in Orange County can help protect the rights of elderly individuals. Elder abuse is a serious issue that often goes overlooked or unreported. An experienced elder abuse lawyer can provide legal representation for those who have been victimized and work to ensure that their case is heard in court and that justice is served.

  • Elder abuse is a term used to describe any form of mistreatment inflicted upon an older adult. It can be physical, psychological, financial, or sexual in nature. Elder abuse can also include neglect, abandonment, and exploitation. Older adults are often vulnerable due to their age and diminished physical and mental capacities. As a result, they may be unable to protect themselves from harm caused by caregivers adequately.

  • The nursing home standard of care is the level of care that a nursing home is expected to provide to its residents. This includes providing a safe and clean environment, adequate nutrition, personal hygiene services, health monitoring, social and recreational activities, and medical care. It also requires that staff be trained and qualified for their duties and maintain communication with residents' families, advocates, physicians, and other healthcare.

  • Under California law, certain individuals are legally required to report any suspected cases of elder abuse. This includes physical abuse or neglect, financial exploitation, abandonment and neglect, isolation, and deprivation of goods or services necessary for an elderly person's health, safety, or welfare.

  • Preventing elder abuse in California requires a multi-pronged approach that encompasses both the community and the legal system. To start, communities must prioritize educating their members about recognizing signs of elder abuse, providing resources for those who experience it, and supporting laws that protect elderly individuals from harm. In addition to community prevention methods, legal systems must also be utilized to prevent elder abuse in California.


How To Report Nursing Home Abuse: A Comprehensive Guide


How To Prove Elder Abuse In California